It's important that the water hose leading to the washer is at least 7.5 meters long.
Between 500-600 liters of water flow through the hose and pump during use. When the trigger is released, the sudden stop of water creates a pressure wave. This pressure is easily absorbed by a longer garden hose. Therefore, as a general rule, a 7.5 m long garden hose should be sufficient to absorb the pressure wave without damaging the pipes/connections in the house. This is also in line with other manufacturers' requirements for hose length.
Our more advanced pumps also feature a function that reduces standby pressure in the pump. This involves releasing some water back into the garden hose when the trigger is released. This increases the importance of the hose length, as well as the importance of not using any type of check valve.
The relevant pumps are the 4 and 6-piston types, namely the Master, Evolution, V6.
If for aesthetic reasons one wishes to have a shorter hose leading to the machine, we recommend consulting with a plumber who can assess the need for an expansion tank on the plumbing system or whether an extra can replace the external hose length. Expansion tanks are common in newer homes, often installed near the water heater.
Maximum length of the garden hose
As long as you have enough pressure and enough water is flowing through, you can have a garden hose as long as you want—over 7.5 m.